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网址:yanglaocz.au18.cn  2023-11-08  作者:admin    阅读:

Assisting bedridden elderly people in turning over
First, place the elderly person's hands on their abdomen, bend their knees, and the caregiver extends one forearm into the elderly person's waist and the other arm under their thigh. With the strength of the arm, quickly lift the elderly person up and move them closer to the edge of the bed, while turning to the opposite side. Then lift the elderly person's head and shoulders, turn to the opposite side, place a soft pillow on the elderly person's back to maintain the position, and place a soft pillow in front of the chest to support the forearm, making the elderly comfortable. Bend the elderly's upper legs forward, slightly bend the lower legs, and place a soft pillow between the knees to prevent mutual pressure and friction between the legs. Elderly people who have been bedridden for a long time may experience disuse atrophy in their muscles. Without affecting the elderly, it is important to frequently help them turn over and massage their entire body and limbs with gentle techniques.
This method is applicable to the vast majority of elderly people who cannot take care of themselves, but there is also an elderly person who, due to long-term bed rest, may develop bedsores on their body. To help these elderly people turn over, other methods are needed.
√ Segmental rolling method
Divide the human body into three segments (head and shoulders, buttocks, and lower limbs) for rolling. Move the elderly person lying on their back to the bedside in sections, and then turn them over in sections to achieve a 90 degree angle, forming a large turnover with a large exposure area and good nursing effect. This rolling method is suitable for bedridden elderly people who are relatively overweight and have good skin nutrition.
√ Overall turning method
将平卧病人一手托腰,一手托大腿整体移至州苗木  保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 保定强夯 收费岛模具床边,然后将老人整个侧卧,使翻身角度达90度,形成大翻身,此种翻身方法适用于体重不是很重、皮肤营养状况不太好的卧床老人。
Place one hand on the waist and one hand on the thigh of a lying patient and move them to the bedside. Then, lay the elderly person on their side until the angle of rotation reaches 90 degrees, forming a large rotation. This rotation method is suitable for bedridden elderly people who are not very heavy and have poor skin nutrition.

