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网址:yanglaocz.au18.cn  2023-11-09  作者:admin    阅读:

A nursing home can take care of parents for children, but it cannot provide emotional support between families. Although elderly people live in nursing homes, close relationships with their families are still an important factor affecting their mood. If the family relationship is harmonious and family visits are frequent, elderly people living in nursing homes will feel more secure. Filial piety from children has always been a psychological comfort for the elderly, especially when living in nursing homes. Regular visits and care from children not only provide psychological comfort to the elderly, but also make them feel happier and more proud.
Most elderly people live alone in nursing homes, with the majority being widowed and disabled elderly. Some disabled elderly people's spouses are still alive, but they are unable to continue taking care of them at home. In this case, what the old man hopes for is the visit of his wife. Some elderly couples also live in the same nursing home. If both people can take care of themselves and usually live in the same room, this arrangement is considered ideal. If there is a significant difference in health status between the two parties, it is possible to live separately, with the husband and wife sharing rooms with other elderly people with similar health conditions. Regardless of the form, living in a nursing home can still be accompanied by family members, which makes other elderly people extremely envious.
对于把父母送进养老院照顾的子女来说,定期去看望老人是一件很重要的事情。刚住进养老院的老人,还需要一段时间适应新的生活环境。养老院的生活和家里的有很大的差别,从居住的房间、一日三餐,到同住的伙伴、新的照顾者等,都要重新熟悉和适应。一般来说,年长者一生养成的生活习惯是比较难以改变的,老人在适应新的环境时锈钢铸件  螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 冲压机  铜雕佛像需要克服很多心理上的困难,有时候会感到很无助。这样的时候,他们特别需要家人的陪伴和宽慰。因此,子女一定要理解父母,要常常去养老院看望和陪伴他们,帮助他们尽快适应新的环境和生活。
For children who send their parents to nursing homes for care, it is important to visit the elderly regularly. Elderly people who have just moved into nursing homes still need some time to adapt to their new living environment. The life in a nursing home is very different from that at home, from living in the room, having three meals a day, to roommates, new caregivers, etc., all need to be re familiar and adapted. Generally speaking, the lifestyle habits that older people develop throughout their lives are relatively difficult to change. Elderly people need to overcome many psychological difficulties when adapting to new environments, and sometimes feel helpless. At such times, they particularly need the companionship and comfort of their families. Therefore, children must understand their parents, often visit and accompany them in nursing homes, and help them adapt to the new environment and life as soon as possible.

